Who is working to form a Staff union at UArts?

A supermajority of part-time and full-time staff across all of the departments of the University of the Arts want to build a union together! Dozens of staff have signed onto our Mission Statement and have signed Membership cards with United Academics of Philadelphia.

Why do staff at UArts want a union?

UArts staff want a voice with the administration, and a seat at the table to win lasting improvements on issues including health and safety, job security, equitable pay, and access to health insurance and other benefits. Staff are struggling with cuts in staffing, constant reorganization of staff positions, ever-increasing workloads, and below-standard pay. UArts staff have not received a cost-of-living pay increase in over five years, and part-time staff have no access to any benefits. Staff provide dedicated support to our students, faculty, and fellow staff members, and now it’s time for the University to support us!

What’s the status of the UArts staff union?

We have an Election Agreement! On Monday March 14, 2022 UArts Staff announced our intention to unionize to President Yager, and the UArts Board of Trustees. We asked them to voluntarily recognize our union, since a super-majority of us have already signed union membership cards, but they declined to do so. We then filed with the National Labor Relations Board for a union recognition election, and on April 5th we came to an Election Agreement with the University for a National Labor Board Union Election. We will know the outcome of our election in May 2022!

What is United Academics of Philadelphia?

United Academics of Philadelphia, AFT local 9608 (UAP) is a local of our national union, American Federation of Teachers (AFT). UAP is a Philly metro-wide local that supports any university faculty and staff who don’t yet have a union on their campus. We are proud to be working to build the third bargaining unit of UAP, after the union wins of full-time and part-time faculty at UArts (2020) and part-time faculty at Arcadia University (2017). AFT is a national union of professionals, representing Higher Ed faculty and staff, K-12 Teachers and classroom professionals, and healthcare workers.

How can I join the UArts Staff Union? How much are dues?

If you are currently a non-Supervisory, non-Management part-time or full-time staff member at UArts, you can go here to join the UArts Staff Union! Dues are 1.75% of your UArts paycheck, and will only go into effect once we have ratified a contract with the University. Part-time Staff will only pay union dues when receiving a paycheck from UArts. Our dues help us build a strong union, and also support the organizing efforts of other Philly-area Higher Ed faculty and staff. If you are faculty or staff at another Philly Higher Ed institution, you can join our city-wide local UAP here.

What is the relationship of the UArts Staff Union with the existing UArts Faculty Union?

The UArts Staff Union will be an independent bargaining unit, alongside the UArts Faculty Union. Both UArts bargaining units will be part of our metro-wide AFT Local, United Academics of Philadelphia. Our UArts Staff Union will bargain our own union contract, separate from the UArts Faculty Union contract. Some UArts staff also teach as adjuncts, but will be covered by the Staff Union. Even though we’ll be bargaining separate contracts, our two bargaining units will be working together in solidarity to improve the University for everyone!

How long will it take for the UArts Staff Union to bargain a contract? 

It usually takes about a year to complete the bargaining process for first union contracts. Once we win our union, we look forward to meeting the UArts Administration at the Bargaining Table in a timely fashion, and efficiently collaborating on creating a strong contract that protects all staff and improves the University for everyone. 

What will our union’s leadership structure look like?

Each bargaining unit of UAP is responsible for creating its own internal democratic structure. Our union is committed to democracy in the workplace, and in our bargaining unit!  Once we win our union, we’ll engage all UArts staff union members to create a Bargaining Team. The Bargaining Team is the group of staff who will bargain our contract with the UArts administration, supported by a lead negotiator from UAP.  Once we ratify a union contract, we will elect a Chapter Chair who will help coordinate the work of our union, and Chapter Delegates, who will represent the UArts Staff bargaining unit within the democratic structure of UAP.

I want to know more - how do I get in touch?

Contact us at unitedacademicsphilly@gmail.com!